Monday, March 23, 2015

What is this? What is that? What is this

What are Shower Thoughts
  You know when you had that super awesome idea?  That idea that would have changed the world?  Or that million dollar idea, that if you could just figure out a few kinks, you could do it, and make huge bank?  Where where you when you had these Ideas?  Most likely you were in the Shower.  Or in the Bath, if that is your thing.  For most of us, the Shower is the only time that you can relax.  The only thing you need to do is wash yourself, which should be an easy thing for you.  Your Brain goes into auto-pilot.  It is free to think about what ever it wants to.  This can happen in other places as well.  It can happen when you drive home from work.  Have you ever gotten home, but don't remember anything about the drive, but you now know how a nuclar reactor works.  It basicly happens when ever you are relaxed.  We don't relax enough now a days.  Exspecialy now with Smartphones and Tablets.  For most of us, the shower is the only time we have a moment to ourselfs, and can think about the life around us.  The problem is we get these great ideas, but once we go out and start our day, we forget that amazing idea.  This Blog is my attempt at capturing these profound Shower Thoughts.

Saving the World, one shower at a time

So, I am going to try to write down some of the ideas and thoughts that I get in the shower, or other relaxing moments.  I do not claim that my ideas are going to save the world, or even change it.  Most of them, honestly will be stupid.  You may be smarter than me, and have already had these same thoughts.  Also, I am using this as a way to become a better writer.  I am not a good writer.  Some posts may not make sense, due to my inability to put thought to writen word.  Also, another reason I am writing this blog is so I can remember the cool things that I want to talk about with people that are smarter than me, like my Wife.  That way I can sound not as stupid, and have my thoughts and arguments together and pretend to know that I know what I am talking about.  I am not going to atempt to apply any organization or anything like that, the posts will vary from life on Mars, to why we have eggs for breakfast.  These posts will not be perfect, some will be half of an idea, some will be long winded, but I will try to make sense, most of the time. 

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